KulturKontakt Austrian organization, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sports of Montenegro and the Center for Vocational Education, with the financial support of Austrian Development Agency - ADA, began implementing the ECO NET project in 2004, in four schools in Montenegro. The ECO NET project is uniquely implemented in countries across Europe.

The project introduced a program called Training Firm, which is realized within practical teaching on the third year of schooling for educational profiles – Economics technician and Marketing and trade technician. Training firm is a innovative teaching method, geared towards practical realization of teaching, i.e. model of simulated company that operates in competitive business environment in order to enable students to acquire entrepreneurial skills, develop positive attitude towards teamwork, acquire accountability in decision-making and to have pleasure in linking theoretical knowledge with practical work. By working in a virtual company, students establish communication and collaboration with students from other local and foreign companies; and by participating in numerous fairs, they have the opportunity to present their work, their school and their country.

The coordination of training firms is performed by a Service Center (, which was established in Montenegro in 2005, within the Center for Vocational Education.

Many school training firms have their partner companies in real business environment, which help them prepare for fairs, obtain promotional materials, come occasionally to visit their classes where they share their experiences and organize visits to their companies where students can see a actual example of what it looks like to work in real company.

Within the ECO NET project, many schools were equipped, trainings of teachers and trainers were done, quality criteria were developed, national and international fairs of training firms were organized. Eco Net project in Montenegro ends in March 2012.


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