The process of training firm’s registration is done in the Central Registry of Commercial Subjects (hereinafter referred to as CRCS) within training firms’ Service Centre.

  • For the sake of legal operation, each training firm has to register in the CRCS of the Service Center of training firms in accordance with applicable regulations. Each training firm is required to be registered at the beginning of the school year, regardless of whether it is established for the first time or it has already been established in the previous school year.

  • The registration of training firms is performed on-line on the website of the Service Centre of training firms (www.serviscentarpzv.me).

  • The CRCS of the Service Center checks whether all requirements for the registration of a training firm are fulfilled and conducts the registration process. The confirmation of the registration is sent electronically to the training firms.

  • The deadline for the registration of training firms is 15 October of the current year, for the school year in which the training firm operates.

  • The CRCS of the Service Center makes a database of registered firms in an electronic form that will be put on the Service Center’s website.

  • Only training firms that are registered in the CRCS of the Service Center of training firms are able to participate in all activities organized by the Service Center.

Required documents and process of training firms registration

Training firms can be registered only as a limited liability company (LLC).

For a registration, the training firm must submit the following documents:

  • Application for registration (to be completed on-line on the website of the Service Centre),
  • Decision on or contract of establishment (to be sent with the application on-line),
  • Company’s Statute (to be sent with the application on-line),
  • Application for registration of legal person - TIN (to be completed on-line),
  • Application for registration of value added tax payer PR VAT-1 (to be completed on-line).

After the registration of a firm, it is necessary to do the following:

  • Make a stamp and seal
  • Fill out an application to open a bank account (on-line)

Making of stamp and seal

After receiving the confirmation of registration, a firm obtains conditions to make a stamp and seal that are used for verification of documents signed by an authorized person. The stamp is made in a specialized store.



  • Receives application and verifies and registers taxpayer, i.e. issues tax identification number,
  • Issues and sends an electronic version of confirmation of registration at tax administration, i.e. confirmation of TIN,
  • Receives the application for registration of training firm that is payer of value added tax PR VAT-1,
  • Keeps records of VAT taxpayers in electronic and printed form,
  • Receives forms of paid salaries, VAT and other taxes and charges.

To obtain a tax identification number (TIN) and to register as VAT taxpayer, Tax Administration of Service Centre needs to be sent:

  • Application for registration of legal person (TIN) - Form PR - 1 (to be completed on-line on the website of the Service Centre),
  • Application for registration VAT taxpayer PR VAT-1 (to be completed on-line on the website of the Service Centre).





  • Receives an application to open a bank account,
  • Enters data on training firm in an international database of EUROPEN,
  • Opens bank accounts of training firms.

Montenegrin training firms handle all transactions using electronic banking (e-banking). To open a bank account in the Bank of the SC, it is necessary to have your training firm registered in the CRCS of the Service Center. A request to open an account is sent to the Bank of the Service Center. The bank of the Service Center will provide an account number, a user name and a password to use the banking software.

To accounts of new registered training firms, the Bank pays € 100,000.00 on behalf of start-up capital. In addition to basic bank accounts for training firms, any training firm may require from the Bank the opening of accounts for employees.

Opening of a bank account in the bank of Training Firms Service Centre

To open a bank account it is necessary to fill out the application for the opening of a bank account (the application is filled out on-line on the website of the Service Centre).  




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